Tree care
Premium all-terrain capabilities and sturdy booms make Leguan a perfect choice for arborists. Leguan spider lifts are used for clearing electric lines and removal of trees all around the globe from the United States all the way to Australia. Our customers tell us that their work has become more efficient and safer as they are able use Leguan spider lifts to reach targets that have previously required climbing. They are also able to take on more diverse projects that have previously been impossible to reach with other type of lifts.
Smart features for arborist use
A large outreach enables users to set up their Leguan spider lifts at an optimal distance from their target and make tree trimming, pruning, and tree removal easier. We place special emphasis in the protection of the booms and chassis to ensure safety when working in treetops or ground level.
Reach difficult worksites with ease
Our high-profile track platform is designed for crossing rough terrains and obstacles. Leguan spider lifts have a low center of gravity which enables reliable mobility even in sloped environments. Leguans can be driven at high speeds safely from the basket as well as by remote control.
Leguan Lifts raise the standard
Willow River Company has been using a spider lift by Leguan Lifts in its tree care and landscaping work. Trevor Novacek shares the positive experience they have had working with the machine.
Looking for a Leguan distributor?
Leguan Lifts works in close collaboration with our major customers and international distributors to ensure premium customer satisfaction and user-driven product development.