This year, too, Leguan Lifts will support the important work done by the Children’s Clinics‘ Sponsors Association (Kummit ry) to promote research and treatment of pediatric diseases in Finland. Kummit association supports five university children’s clinics and children’s hospitals in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Oulu and Kuopio. In addition, the most important aspects of sponsorship are pediatric research and the mental health of children and young people.
In Finland, children have the opportunity to recover from even serious illnesses. This has been influenced by high-quality research and treatment methods and by the private and official bodies that have financially supported their development and procurement. Maintaining a high level of pediatric health care requires action. The budgets of the hospitals are not enough to procure all the necessary equipment for which reason help is constantly needed. Care equipment is a consumable item and must be regularly serviced and replaced if necessary. With the support of Kummit ry, children’s hospitals are assisted in maintaining the best possible equipment.
Read more about the activities of Kummit ry at